Key Pair Generator

Welcome to the RSA Key Pair Generator. RSA, which stands for Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, is one of the first public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. This tool allows you to securely generate RSA key pairs, essential in asymmetric cryptography. Asymmetric cryptography involves two keys: a public key for encryption, which you can share openly, and a private key for decryption, which must remain confidential. This dual-key system enables secure and private communication, allowing only the intended recipient to decrypt messages.

For example, if you and a friend want to exchange secret messages, each of you would generate your own key pair and share your public keys with each other. To send a secure message to your friend, you would encrypt it using their public key. Only they can decrypt it with their private key. Similarly, when they send you a message, they encrypt it using your public key, and you decrypt it using your private key. This ensures that your communications remain private and secure from eavesdropping.

Operated entirely in your browser, this app enhances your security by not transmitting any data across the internet.
Warning: Generating RSA 4096-bit keys can take a significant amount of time and may impact performance. Please be patient.
Generating key, this may take some time...